How do I allow Social Media Sign-On for my Guest Network?

With SecurEdge Cloud, its easy to add social media sign-on features to your Guest WiFi Services Captive Portal.

There are many benefits to allowing users to access your guest network with their social media accounts. For the end users, its an easy and efficient way to get access and start using the WiFi. For your business, it can lead to many opportunities for customizing messages, redirecting them to your social media pages, and creating an easy and personalized front end to improve overall guest satisfaction.

To start using social media sign-on, simply navigate to the Captive Portal section in your SecurEdge Cloud platform. From their, you can choose how users sign on, what messages are displayed on your splash page, and what happens to a user after they connect(send them to a specific webpage, show them a quick video, or a display a welcome message). Currently, you can give the guests options to sign in with Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.